About Mission Heart
Mission Heart is a safe, loving, and life changing place–the perfect place to start your journey back into society. Mission Heart is a group of women who are lead into sobriety with the help of on-site and off-site leadership. Our staff provides love, spirituality and support to each other. Mission Heart began in Baton Rouge, LA in 2000 with the vision to provide a spiritual and safe living environment for women in crisis. Women come to Mission Heart from all walks of life. Most ladies arrive from our local community. The residents cooperate to keep a clean, welcoming home. Not only do our women grow spiritually, but also as a family, becoming lifelong friends. Weekly activities include Bible study, church, and 12-step meetings. The women of Mission Heart are urged to be active in the community. Mission Heart can help change your life. Please contact us. We want to help.

It was 1961, and I was just two years old when my mother, who was pregnant and unwed, arrived at the Gladney Home in Fort Worth, Texas. We only had a single suitcase and my mother carried the new life inside of her. After four months of living at the Gladney Home, my baby sister was born. Due to lack of finances, my mother allowed my sister to be adopted, then we traveled back to Baton Rouge. It was not easy for my mother as she searched for affordable housing and a job to support us. Through perseverance and determination, my mother was able to overcome these challenges by attending business college at night and working in an office during the day. It is truly remarkable to think about everything she accomplished as a single mother with limited resources. Those were hard times, but God protected us with His unfailing love and grace.
My family encountered yet another challenge when the disease of alcoholism struck. As a result, my mother started to lose her strength and began struggling again. Despite everything, we were blessed to have each other. God worked in a miraculous way and returned the peace of Christ to my mother and me.
The amazing thing was, we didn’t know it at the time, but this experience would lead me to founding Mission Heart –transitional safe housing and a structured program intended to help women recover from substance abuse and become financially independent in order to support themselves and their children.
Since the year 2000, Mission Heart has provided safe transitional housing and a structured long-term program for over 1,000 women. God had called me, and I said yes to His call.
For the most recent results of our program, read more and always “Let the peace of Christ rule your heart”
Colossians 3:15
With Gratitude and a Mission for the Heart,
DeeBee Cox
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